Saturday, July 03, 2004

Hehe my met my dearest sister and her friends together with my baby, at Plaza Singapura today! Wow! It was like getting stuck at chinatown during Chinese New Year! Yea, just picture that. Well, it was certainly due to the weekend, and to top it up, the food festival was on there. So it wasn't surprising. We all had pastamania! My sister amazes us all with her huge appetite for spicy chicken pasta! Haha.. and she'd been having pasta for almost one week running! SHe also gave me a birthday card and a cute hangy thingy! (I still can't figure out what that is) She's so sweet! Thanks a billion gazillion! Hehe... Bought my baby a pair of shoes! Exodus or something like that. I don't really have a knack for brands. Haha.. Cute slippers though. Then we hung around for some whiles till everyone left and I was with my baby alone! Haha.. She literally dragged me to Mango and I got her a top there. Think it looks pretty sexy on her. Haha.. =P She's just so lovely, really. Anyways, I surely did enjoy my day! Did you? =)